... for support of Optimal Health - Healing Planet Earth and Humanity

Creating the Optimal Australian Health Care System

Practicing Preventative, Restorative & Regenerative Health

Supporting Optimal Health and how best to incorporate Preventative, Holistic Traditional & Complementary Medicine (T&CM) into the Australian Health System.

useNature favours the Indian System of AYUSH, creating a separate Government department for Natural Medicine, monitored by Natural Therapy Experts.

The Natural Therapy System is a System that offers Active Prevention and improving health.

useNature supports the World Health Organisations, WHO Constitution:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

WHO’s 3 Strategic Objectives for T&CM

  1. Build the knowledge base for active management of T&CM through appropriate National policies. (Australia doesn’t have a national policy for T&CM)

  2. Strengthen quality assurance, safety, proper use and effectiveness of T&CM by regulating products, practices and practitioners.

  3. Promote universal health coverage by integrating T&CM services into health care service delivery and self-health care.

To create an efficient, economical and sustainable Health Care System in Australia, appropriate governing bodies need to be strongly encouraged to include "Holistic Natural Therapy Modalities" into the national health system, to realize the goal of WHO's constitution.

useNature's Philosophy:

We don't need more Hospitals ... we need more Healthy People! 

NOTE: useNature strongly advocates to concentrate on the different Benefits between the Medical and Natural System.

  • Natural Therapy Modality Practitioners are the Experts when it comes to practicing Active Prevention, and therefore are not in conflict with the medical system.

  • Natural Therapy Modality Practitioner is practicing what is needed to prevent Lifestyle Diseases.... Active Prevention.

  • Natural Therapy Modality Practitioner are able to respond to our Multicultural Society, and can respond with their support for different needs, to different cultures and health attitudes.

  • This is the basis for Government Recognition and a possible separate Government department for Natural Medicine, monitored by Natural Therapy Experts.

use Nature's quest for an Optimal Holistic Health System:

At this point of time, with the exceptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Osteopathy and Chiropractic, the field of T&CM in Australia is mostly unregulated, despite some attempts for Co-Regulation or "Statutory Registration".

To be accepted by governing bodies, it is widely recognised that Natural Therapist Association need to present themselves in a "united way" with a workable strategy to be included and Recognised by governing bodies.

NOTE: The present system is a Self /Co Regulation System. - Natural Medicine Associations have worked hard over many years to transform Natural Therapies into a respectable profession by Accrediting primary Natural Medicine Modalities within a set educational standard, and further more have succeeded in assuring Health Refunds of Private Health insurers for a variety Accredited Natural Practitioners. - This in itself has been a validation of the high standards of practitioners, by issuing a "provider Number" to claim benefits.

However, there is now a deep divide between various Associations of how to move the profession forward.

The dividing issue and question remains:

Statutory Registration or keeping our Self/Co-regulation System?

Independent Opinion Poll  - As a Naturopath/Herbalist, are you:

  • FOR Registration with AHPRA?
  • AGAINST Registration with AHPRA?

Free Independent Survey - Opinion Poll – 2 step secure service - 1.Step: Register Your Voting Account – 2.Step: ADD a LISTING to Vote  

(AHPRA – Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency )

Pro - Statutory Registration

NOTE: Statutory Registration is suitable for only 2 or 3 of the 17 modalities that have been deemed as Not effective by NHMRC, mainly Naturopathy & Herbology

Proponents for Statutory Registration cite the following reasons:

  1. To assure public safety - probably the main reason.

  2. Registration will recognise practitioners who have passed uniform, national standards of education and practice requirements, which may make it more difficult for unethical and dangerous operators to practice.

  3. Establishing credibility for Natural Therapy Practitioners of qualifying primary modalities, possibility for Naturopath and Herbalists.
    Credibility will encourage confidence in the professions from both consumers and other health professional groups.

  4. Protection of Title, unregistered practitioners will not be allowed to use "Registered" modality Titles.

  5. Approved unified, national" Bachelor level education".

  6. Access to a fair, equitable and transparent complaints mechanism for the public.

Concerns about Registration:

  1. Concerns about "restrictions": fastidious “accountability” that could stifle innovation. Less freedom as healthcare practitioners, highly regulated, being restricted.

  2. Concerns of patients logging complaints if a practitioner uses treatment modalities outside their "registered" modality.

  3. Concerns of general higher cost for additional registration, continuing education, association membership, accreditation and insurance.

  4. Concerns regarding education standards - grandfather clausal - bachelor degree bridging courses and possible restricted curriculum.

  5. Concerns by non-registered practitioners of "elective" modalities that their practices will be eroded, or closed down.

  6. Concerns that Registration will provide an avenue for the "Dob a Colleague In" mentality.

  7. Concerns of No direct benefits for the practitioners.

  8. Concerns that it will isolate Natural Therapies from each other, working against Holistic Principle
    It has to be recognised that modalities considered for Registrations are ONLY
    Naturopaths & Herbalists, which raises concerns for a separation of Natural Therapy Modalities.

  9. It may NOT increase public safety; un-accredited, uneducated so called practitioners, or sales personal in retails shops still can sell supplements or herbal remedies, or advice customers.

  10. Protection of Title? It may make no difference to people who practice without qualification. Accreditation as under the Co-Regulation system states already that only accredited practitioners are allowed to practice.

NOTE: It has to be noted, that according to the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council (AHMAC), regulation (being registered) is "NOT" about recognition of a profession. - It is primarily about protecting the public from poorly or untrained, unscrupulous or fraudulent practitioners.

Homeopathy by this definition does not need to be registered, as it is deemed safe by the WHO.

Pro Self/Co-regulation

NOTE: Co-regulation is suitable for most or all of the 17 modalities that have been deemed as Not effective by NHMRC.

Proponents for Co-regulation cite the following reasons:

  1. Natural Therapies are deemed as SAFE and therefore registration is unnecessary and only adds an extra cost burden to practitioners. 

  2. Co-Regulation offers excellent Representation and Protection for practitioners, and due to this self-regulation, most Natural Health Practitioners choose to voluntarily join with a professional association and accreditation body.

  3. Quality safeguards such as: Requirements for membership; eg accreditation - ongoing training - insurance.

  4. Co-Regulation supports all Natural Therapists, and all modalities in their preventative and supportive practices.

  5. Co-Regulation assures that no fragmentation of holistic principles occur.

  6. Cost effective accreditation for all practitioners.

  7. Co-Regulation recognises that Natural Therapists "DO NOT" make therapeutic claims or treat a named Disease, BUT instead supports a patient in his or her effort to overcome a disease or aim for improved health and wellness, which is a practice of "Active Prevention".

Concerns about Co-Regulation:

  1. The main concern is that many modalities within this wide range of Natural Therapies are deemed by the medical system as ineffective, and therefore will never be taken seriously, causing a bad reflection upon the "profession" of a Naturopath.

  2. No stat. protection of Title

  3. For Naturopaths or Herbalists to act as Primary Practitioners stricter safety regulation will be needed, which only can be provided by Stat. Registration.

A Paradigm Shift in Health Care

Active Holistic Preventative Health Care

Health care needs to become increasingly Holistic - Preventative and Restorative.

These 3 elements have not been adequately addressed by the medical profession.

As an example: We have an Obesity Issue of dramatic proportions, this needs to be prevented from getting worse, while health needs to be restored.

A similar approach needs to be taken for all "Lifestyle Diseases and Chronic Health Issues".

The disturbing "maintenance drug treatment" mentality has to come to an end.

As vital as drugs are for many health conditions, a curative and preventative approach needs to be taken, before general health can improve.

Ultimately, useNature favours the Indian System of AYUSH, creating a separate Government department for Natural Medicine, monitored by Natural Therapy Experts.

useNature welcomes feedback and opinions:

Please contact me directly to assure prompt answers: Dieter L. - Editor
... or start a discussion on useNature's FB Page or on the Friends of Holistic Health FB Group

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Dieter Luske - Editor for useNatureDieter Lüske - Editor

Friends of Holistic Health

Natural Health Lifestyle Portal

© Australia - Active Holistic Preventative Health Care - Healing Planet Earth and Humanity