... for support of Optimal Health - Preventative Health Strategies

Active Preventative Holistic Health Care

Preventative Health Care Practitioners

Active Prevention ... the Future of Health Care!

Active Prevention & Natural Health Care System

What is an "Active Preventative Holistic Health Care Practitioner"?

  • Activation of a Patient is the key differences between the natural & medical systems.
    The medical system keeps patients Passive.

  • ACTIVE Prevention, includes to actively change lifestyle habits.

  • PASSIVE Prevention, practiced by the medical system, is Vaccination & Medical tests.

Active Preventative Health Care Strategies

Lifestyle Diseases ... are preventable ....

Today, it is well recognised that LIFESTYLE CHOICES exert a major influence on our General Health, with LIFESTYLE DISEASES now ranking in the top 10 disease statistics.

Even without concentrating on general health and "just" concentrate on the elimination of lifestyle diseases, societies' health issues would be dramatically reduced.

The key to cure lifestyle Diseases couldn't be more obvious, Active Prevention Health Care Strategies would need to be implemented. Government may not react on this simple truth, therefore I invite everyone to make it happen for yourself.

We will offer articles on strategies as well as recommending suitable Active Preventative Health Care Practitioners

To find out more about the evidential Preventative Principles, please see : Active Preventative Holistic Health Care Practitioner

We will give Self-Help Guidelines for the following Lifestyle Diseases:

  1. Weight Problems - Obesity

  2. Diabetes Type 2

  3. Cardio Vascular Problems

  4. Allergies and Food Sensitivities

  5. Muscle and Skeletal Problems

  6. Digestive & Colon Problems

  7. Premature Mortality

    .... see below for article .....

Preventative Health Strategies Article Menu:

  1. Weight and Diabetes Type 2

  2. Weightloss Support and Strategies

  3. Stop eating refined & processed food

  4. Prevention a Medical Dilemma

Active Prevention means a person has to perform a lifestyle changing action, by either including or excluding lifestyle habits. Compliance is achieved by frequent low cost check up consultations, as well as "Group or Class Sessions". 

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Dieter Luske - Editor for useNatureDieter Lüske - Editor

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