... for support of Optimal Health - Preventative Health Strategies

Preventative Health Care Australia

Benefits & Goals of Co-Regulation for Natural Therapies

Active Prevention ... the Future of Health Care!

useNature is supporting the Co-Regulation Natural Health Care Model ...

... for the advancements and integration of Holistic Preventative Natural Medicine into the Australian Conventional Health Care System.

NOTE: We are living in a "Pluralistic Society", where one by itself can not exist.

The Medical System is just 1 half of this equation, the other half is the Preventative Natural Therapy System.

We need both, one system by itself can not exist, Preventative Natural Therapy is of equal importance, and if elevated into a more important primary position, may indeed Prevent Hospitals from overcrowding, and a more healthier society may emerge.

Benefits and Goals of the present Self / Co-Regulation System for Natural Therapy, Health and Prevention

Co-regulation for Natural Therapies means that interest groups or associations of our industry develop guidelines and regulatory arrangements, such as codes of ethics or conduct, in consultation with government.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

Self/Co-Regulation Benefits and Goals

  1. Standardization of Education by means of "Accreditation" guidelines.
    Association and Accreditation standards should dictate the college curriculum .. not the other way around ..

  2. Adhering to the National Code of Conduct for all associations and practitioners.

  3. Associations to have dedicated "spokes persons" to communicate the benefits of Natural Therapies Active Preventative Health Care, and instill public confidence.

  4. Encouraging Health Insurance Companies to give discounts for living a healthy preventative lifestyle and being under the care of a Co-regulated Active Prevention Natural Therapist.

  5. Health Promotion to encourage patients taking more active control and responsibility for their own health, including mind-body practices, sleep and physical activities, optimal nutrition, achievement of ideal body weight, reduced exposure to toxins, substance abuse and social connections.

  6. Health promotion needs to start at school.
    Change in attitude/thinking towards health has to overcome negative attitudes, such as, Health is "NOT COOL".
    Health needs to be cool and desirable and the foremost lifestyle choice.

  7. Developing Policies in regards to Prevention and a Healthy Lifestyle, such as strategies to reduce consumptions of "Health Compromising Food and Drink Items", reviewing advertisement policies regarding marketing sugary and specific refined food and drink products, and more...

  8. Developing Policies to make Active Prevention a Primary Health Objective, encouraging the medical profession to refer patient without treatable conditions to seek health support from a Preventative Holistic Natural Therapists.

  9. Encouraging public health by education and stricter regulation, preventing misinformation, misleading marketing and advertising.

  10. It is cheaper for a Naturopath to support a patient's wellbeing, than it is for the medical system to treat a patient for a disease that could have been prevented by lifestyle Naturopathic advice.

  11. Practitioners, accredited under the co-regulation system to follow the "code of conduct", are permitted to place a "Certificate Logo" on their web-site, stating: "Certificate of strict adherence to the Code of Ethics & Conduct".

Self/Co-Regulation's Preventative Treatment Outlines:

  1. A reimbursement and regulatory system that prioritises and encourages health promotion and prevention.

  2. Active Prevention in regards to educating the general public to adopt a healthier lifestyle. - Active General Media and Social Media Marketing.

  3. Active Prevention in regards to "patients" who don't have "complete physical, mental and social well-being", but are "NOT diagnose with a medical treatable condition".

  4. Active Prevention for Common Lifestyle Diseases and Health Problems, such as Diabetes Type 2 - Metabolic Syndrome - Weight Problems - General Cardio Vascular Problems such as high blood pressure - and more...

  5. Active Prevention for patients with a diagnosed medical problem, seeking prevention from worsening of their problem, and by improving their general health, anticipating a possible reversal of the medical diagnosed condition.

  6. Active Prevention for Chronic Condition, by improving general health, counteracting some of their symptoms, making life more livable, and anticipating a possible reversal of the medical diagnosed condition.

  7. Active Prevention Health Care to "activate" patients to take lifestyle improving steps..
    Conventional Medical treatments
    keep patients “Passive”, and DO NOT encourage patients to take active steps toward their own health.
    *It is not enough for a Doctor to suggest a better diet or lifestyle; active steps are needed to support a patient.

  8. Setting up Group Activities at Natural Therapy Clinics:
    Low cost admission to groups, and possible connection to other groups for reduced costs. Such as Yoga classes, weight loss classes, meditation classes, etc. - Rewards will follow naturally by group participants most likely to stay with a practitioner.

  9. Active Prevention by encouraging personalized health promotion within the primary care system.

  10. Implementation and integration of Natural Therapies within the conventional health system

... compiled by: Dieter L. Editor of useNature

Please read on .... Active Prevention ... the Sustainable Future of Health Care

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Dieter Luske - Editor for useNatureDieter Lüske - Editor

Friends of Holistic Health

Natural Health Lifestyle

© Australia - Active Holistic Preventative Health Care - Healing Planet Earth and Humanity